Est. in1999, GACCI aims to build confidence and connection within the Gloucester community by engaging local people of all ages in arts-based programs. Through art based activities GACCI aims to enhance the sense of being part of a community, encourage more people to come to Gloucester which in turn will promote business and social opportunities within Gloucester. We are supported through our membership, private and government donations and through the running of exhibitions, workshops and events.

A few words from James Hooke - president 2024 Thank you, thank you thank you. A whole year of thank you’s. This group has maintained a standard of professionalism of which I am proud - Of which we should all be proud. From theatre that has focused, directors that have pushed, performers under pressure through to lighting/sound/production values that have increased, our players arm has had a good year. Back in the saddle after covid, the June play (is it really that long ago) was the biggest yet in terms of attendance. Thank you to everyone who gave so much. The gallery seems to be always a source of wonder to me. Booked out years in advance, with fresh ideas, challenging our perceptions and of course, with great opening soirees(!) I am extremely proud of it. A small town with such curiosity! Thank you particularly to the three who give so much of their time. Charlie, Jenny and Wendy. For your persistence, tolerance and inspiration. Lastly though I would like to thank everyone who makes our community, particularly our arts community, so vibrant. It makes such a difference to all our lives. From low brow ‘characters’, to high brow flamboyance, it makes our lives just a little bit sparkly! And from the rest of the team; Thank you for supporting GACCI this past year, we have all had a blast and are looking forward to the next 25 years or GACCI.
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